Celeb Dregs of the Week: Sep 09 – 29, 2010

Click on the Shot for Wallpaper Size

There was neither enough room nor time for all the dregs i threw up on Sunday, so here’s the Celebrity Dregs.

From the juiced-box, an arrested Warrant: Warrant – Cherry Pie

Celebrity Dregs

July 19: Arrest Warranted

Let’s get the boring shit out of the way first. ‘Member how back in March i told y’all about Jani Lane? You didn’t know who he was, remember? And i told you he used to be the singer for Warrant and you were all like, “Oh yeah, I kinda ‘member” and i was all, “Yeah, well he just got busted for a 2nd DUI in 2 years”? Well, here’s the big mystery and i’ll let you drink free all night if you can solve it. Last news was, Lane got sentenced to 120 days hard time back in July and he was supposed to report to the jail on July 28, 2010. Then there’s a black hole of information because now he’s talking about fronting for the White Stripes and no one, not even TMZ or WIKI, can tell you if he went to the pokey or not.

What do you think? Maybe he’s in Witness Protection because he once did cocaine with Obama back in the “Hey” days of the eight-tays. Well anyways, Lane is the poster child for alcoholism. Check out the following picture and tell yourself, “Wow, if I can kick this drinking problem up a notch think of all the money I can save on shampoo and showers.”

July 19: Project Run-away


What do you do if you gotta fuck a lot of frogs? Fuck the most boring ones first because you’ll still be able to work it for the hot ones at the end. Which is kinda what i’m doing in today’s celebrity dregs, ’cause we got another “guy story”—yep, 2 in a row — before we move onto the hot. Or will i? Drink and see, patronizers, drink and see…

You know how you know you’ve hit bottom of the barrel? You got to a bar to pick fights with reality show almost-rans. And waste booze. Which makes Arturo Trejo-Perez the King Of Loser Assholes because he’s got some pretentious name and went to some club in West Hollywood and saw some dude who’d been kicked off Project Runway of all shows. So Pear-ass goes up to Rami Kashou (bless you) and starts hassling him. Kashou-Nut just wants to get his drink on so he tells the Asshole King “I’m nobody, just a waiter, leave me alone.” Nope, not good enough for “In the Land of the Hinds, The One-Brown-Eyed Man is King” who dumps his beer (AUUGHHH!!! Alcohol Abuse!) on Rami’s bald head and then T-P (see, even his initials are asshole related) smashes the beer bottle in Kashout’s face. What a douche. If you still care, click on the link at the heading but i got bored of this ages ago and i just wanna post Heidi Klum pictures because she’s in Project Runway.

Heidi Klum in the Bar None

Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size

There’s gonna be tons more single shots of her down in my drawers— just scroll all the way down.

Sept 26: Piece of Class

A quick note about Gloria Stuart, an old woman who played the old woman in the movie Titanic. She hit 100 (years old, not miles per hour) back in July and just a couple days ago her heart didn’t go on anymore. i’d like to raise my drink and offer a toast to this classy lady who could run an obedience school for today’s young pups and bitches and train them what it means to age gracefully. Barmaids and Beerhounds, i give you Gloria Stuart.

July 31: Trailer Trashed

Case in point.

In your decadent country of those United States, it’s apparently possible to become professional trailer trash. This is a job i could do well. Apparently not as well as some girl named Snooki who we’ve never heard of here in Yeaman because our definition of celebrity isn’t as wide as some of yours are. So this Snooki character got arrested for disorderly conduct after she did body shots in some bar (and with the size of that gut, i’m guessing her navel holds a double shot), fell off a bike, walked around with a beer bong and just got into all kinds of general mischief. Here’s some shots of her bust.

July 29: Reid Between the Lines

Speaking of ladies in trouble…

Tara Reid was super hot in some old episodes of Scrubs i saw a couple months ago. i was all looking forward to doing some research on her for this post when i saw that she got super trashed at this one party in St Tropez over the summer. The good news was, she’s a party animal. Who the hell knew other than not me? Damn, it was so easy to find pictures of her trashed, as you can see by the collage at the top of the post. Shit, here’s another collage of all the men, women and old freakin’ astronauts (Buzz Aldrin) she made out with in the South of France.

The bad news is, her boob job turned out as wonky as some other reality star who also got drunk. You’ll see later. Lesson here, ladies? Don’t touch the boobs! That’s my job. Plastic surgery will screw up your golden orbs and make you depressed enough to want to drink all the time.

Sept 22: Foxx News

This is what’s known as a musical interlude. Jamie Foxx got shitfaced in Santa Monica the other night, drinking Patron Tequila and livin’ the life i should be living. How did he get to be so hot, talented and successful? Blame it on the Alcohol.

From the juiced-box and a Jamie Foxx song: Blame It (on the Alcohol)

July 29: Beer Goggles

Back to the chick action. So this other chick, let’s call her Audrina Patridge (because that’s her name) was in London over the summer and got royally toasted. She got so toasted her eyes went as wonky as her fake boobs, and that’s some scary wonky right there.

Here’s another shot of her partying, but there’ll be more of her in my drawers.

Audrina Patridge and Lauren Conrad in the Bar None

Sept 07: US Open Bar

You know what kind of girl i wanna party with? The kind that can make a party happen wherever she goes. Even if that place is as boring as the US Open. Ashlee Simpson, who is a singer i’ve never heard of here in Yeaman, bottled up her A-game and didn’t just go there, she went there and brought it and danced around with it and brought it all the way back home.

More drawer shots of her coming up, babes. Just look down.

Al K Hall’s Drawers

Heidi Klum (37)

Tara Reid (34)

Tara Reid in the Bar None

Audrina Patridge (25)

Ashlee Simpson (25)

Didn’t get your fill of the dregs? i keep them on tap right here.

Dregs of the Week: Sept 09 – 26, 2010 (like i keep track)

Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size

Free Lindsay!!!

The dregs have been fermenting for awhile so we got some trouble brewin’. Like there’s a catwalk in a straight line, a wine pump, getting shitfaced on piss, a new kind of suicide assistance and vampire beer. On top of that (where it belongs), i know you know we know we got Lindsay Lohan, the Bar Nun, back where she belongs.

From the juiced-box: Labelle – Voulez-Vous Couchez Avec Moi Ce Soir

[Press ‘Play’ for something that’ll make sense at the end of the commoner dregs, swear on The Bible (or, as we say in French, La Bible)]

Commoner Dregs

2010-09-07: Urine For A Surprise

James Gilpin must be from the United Kingdom or England or one of those other countries where they drive on the wrong side of the road. ‘Cause over in those countries they talk wrong too, like to be “pissed” is to be drunk, not pissed off. So, i’m thinking James Gilpeen is from there or just really drunk or pro’lly both because he had this idea which goes something like this. “Hmm, I’m a biomedical research guy and elderly diabetics have a lot of sugar in their urine so wouldn’t it be cool if I collected old people pee, fermented it and mixed it with whiskey?” Now, if he could only find a reason for people to drink that instead of just straight whiskey.

2010-09-11: DUI. In A Cop Car.

Adam Segura is running for Bar None hero status. He got busted drunk driving, but everybody and their peeing diabetic grandma does that. What makes Adam special is that he got pulled over twice, in 5 minutes. Driving a cop car the second time. He got pulled over the first time, was handcuffed in the cop car and while the cops were outside interviewing someone else, he slid the cuffs to the front and drove away. Too bad he got caught again after a couple of minutes or he would of made hero for real.

2010-09-16: “Read Me My Amanda Rights”

Sheryl A. Urzedowski is 38 which means she’ll never be a top model, at least not like the drunk babes in the collage up top. Still, it’s like Heidi Klum says, “One night you’re drunk, the next night your out”. Sheryl got pulled over for DUI and had to walk a straight line, except she did it three times with her hands on her hips. So the cop informed the America’s Next Drunk Model that she was under arrest. She insisted that the officer read her the “Amanda Rights”. Sure, it’s funny but wouldn’t it have been funnier if she said “Read me my Miranda KERR rights”. Plus it would of been hotter.

"You have the right to remain bent."

2010-09-02: Dynamic Duel

Staying with the theme of DUI, ’cause i’m all about the logical transitions, we got a brother and sister duet that i refuse to make any “shocking” puns about. Seems Darlene Neward had a glass of the Jager before heading out with her little kids and her brother. She and her bro-ski got into over something so she shot him with a stun gun. Then, and why is there never any explanation for the fun stuff, she stun gunned herself. The cops came and there was much arresting. Stunning. (Hey, i only promised not to make any “shocking” jokes.) Oh yeah, i almost forgot the worst part of this mess. You know what her BAC was? Fuckin’ 0.089%. Yep, only 0.009% over the legal limit. If you’re only gonna be that lamely “drunk”, you’re not allowed to use the booze as an excuse for your stupidity. Stand up and face the stupid, woman.

2010-09-16: Suicide Helpline

Staying with the family theme, Valerie Jenkins (56) knows how to help out when you’re feeling suicidal. Seems her husband was plastered and wearing his death colored glasses and was whining about offing himself to his tender wife. Always one to lend a helping hand, she asked her dearly inebriated if he wanted the gun. He told her he did, she went to other room and got a pistol which she tossed on the sofa beside him. He picked it up and shot himself in the face. She’s now being prosecuted for manslaughter.

Valerie Jenkins Mug Shot

2010-09-26: Cigarettes in a Pharmacy

This 17-year-old kid, Ryan Gelineau who lives in Assachussettes, burrowed through the roof of a pharmacy to steal 100 bottles of pills, $320, 4 cartons of smokes and cough syrup. Honestly, i have no frickin’ idea where to begin with this one. Should he have broke into a liquor store instead of a pharmacy if he wanted to drink? But there were cigarettes in the pharmacy, does that mean nicotine is medicine? Or does it mean they sell other shit than drugs. If they do, why did he go for the cough syrup and not the booze? Because he went for the cough syrup big time. See, he couldn’t get back through the hole he’d hacksawed in the ceiling so he hidout in a crawlspace and drank 2 bottles of codeine laced baby booze and passed out. Funkin’ lightweight. The next morning his cellphone ringing alerted the staff who called the police. Still, cigarettes in a pharmacy, there’s an odd logic in that.

2010-09-24: Vampire Beer

Not much to say about this. In a country called Belgium or Europe, they make this special beer by the light of the full moon because it brews faster. The beer is ready in 5 days instead of 7, which i guess also means the full moon period is longer in the old country than in the new land. All this BS is supposed to make the beer stronger but still smooth. The name of the beer is Paix-Dieu, which means “Peace God”, which is how the French pronounce “God Piss”. Anything makes sense if you think about it long enough.

2010-09-15: There is a God and his name is Dieu

Check this out a sec while i sit over here weeping for joy.

In this other country called France, they have an expression other than “Voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir?” It goes, “Mon Dieu!” and it means “Sacré Bleu!” This is the kind of shit they say when they realize how lucky they are that they can go to any old supermarket and there’s a Wine Pimp. Wine by the gallon, or “liter” i guess because they do everything different over there. Basically, you take the mademoiselle to the store, fill her up, then ask if you “voulez-vous couchez avec moi” all over the place. Ooh la la. Or, as they say in France, Ooh la la.

Celebrity Dregs

There’s really only one story this week and you know what that is. Lindsay had a quickie in jail—in and out. Yes, the Bar None’s Bar Nun had a brush with the law but all’s well that ends well. Thank god the ‘crack’ team over at FREE LINDSAY!!! was on the case (of beer). Rather than siphon through all the news and have the re-runs here, everyone’s life’ll be easier if i just give you the blow. By blow. And then cut right to the pictures.

Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size

Our Bar Nun

i’m running out of time tonight, Barmaids and Beerhounds, so i’m gonna cut out here and hook you up with the other Celebrity Dregs later on in the week.

Bar None Dregs

Y’all pro’lly saw the previous post but i’ll just reiterate it here. Rodney over at Fernby Films was cool enough to ask me to help him out during his Worst Film Week, and if you want the worst you know where to go. So i hooked him up and he was nice enough to link me up all over the place. So you should pro’lly head over there and check this shit out.

And Rodney? Thanks for the invitation, Brother.

Didn’t get your fill of the dregs? i keep them on tap right here.

Booze Revooze: A Drinker’s Skewed View of EAT PRAY LOVE

[Click here for a guide to Booze Revooze and the rating system used]

From the juiced-box and the soundtrack: Sly and the Family Stone – Thank You (Fallettin Me Be Mice Elf Agin)

Guess what and you won’t believe me anyway. Julia Roberts came to Yeaman to promote Eat Pray Love and i went to the premiere and sat in the front row. You know how i’m always thinking about you guys? Well, i got as low as i could when i took the following shot so i could try to get something up her skirt but it didn’t work out. This is the best i could do.

If you really care all that much, there are a couple arty shots of the premiere all the way at the bottom of this post.

Ramblings: Eat Drink Crap

Final Proof: 2 Shots

You know how you get drunk with a bridesmaid at a second cousin’s wedding? She’s buzzed on white wine and champagne with strawberries in it and her fancy dress looks tight in all the right places but a little askew as she slips down her seat, sips her drink and tells you all about her spiritual quest and about how she’s trying to find herself in Thai cooking lessons, meditation and psychotherapy but the longer she babbles on the more you realize her “spiritual” quest is really a manhunt for true love and you get a little sad when you understand she needs to find a man to find herself. Eat Pray Love is that deluded bridesmaid making you melancholy.

Sure, i knew before i went that i wasn’t going to like this movie and it didn’t disappoint, but at least now i got reasons why. Another big shocker is that i didn’t read the book. i actually know some people who can read and they even read this book. They told me that Elizabeth Gilbert, the chicklette who wrote the chick lit, traveled all over the world to get over her depression and learn some crap about herself. Like in Italy she learned how to eat, in India she learned how to pray and in Bali she learned how to love.

i feel bad for Liz (played very bubblyily by Julia Roberts) because the book sounds kinda cool but the movie was she goes to Italy to get over her actor boyfriend (David Piccolo, played by James Franco), she goes to India to get over her ex-husband (Stephen, portrayed by a Billy Crudup who was way more inspired in Almost Famous than he was here), and she goes to Bali to meet a new guy (Javier Bardem, who i do not want to sleep with).

Chick flicks bug me because a woman is reduced to the relationship she wants, is in, or is leaving. Is the fairer sex truly that two-dimensional and simplistic?

Honestly, to think that a woman is not complete if she doesn’t have a guy sounds old-fashioned like from the Neanderthal times or the 1950’s. Is the survival of the species instinct still so deeply ingrained that we believe a woman alone is only half a person? Look, sure i love being in a couple and there are some definite advantages to living with the person you love and sharing your life experiences with that special someone, but to say that i cannot know myself unless i’m dipping my wick regular is taking things a step too far.

Before i cut this shorter, i would be amiss (and i don’t want to be even a little miss) if i didn’t pour a beer and make a toast to Richard Jenkins. Jenkins plays a guy called “Richard from Texas” and does a great job. i’ll tell you why i like Jenkins. He’s not just a good actor, he’s a very good actor (he carries The Visitor with all the grace of a drunken waiter pirouetting around tables balancing a tray laden with champagne flutes) but he’s an acting whore because he’ll star in any old trash movie (like, for example, uhm, i dunno, EAT PRAY LOVE?)  just so long as he can get paid. This is one way to show how much you love something.

Swear to god, the best part of this movie was going to the premier with Miss Demeanor. The rest was just like diet pie: saccharine, bland and gave me the runs.

Buzz Kills (Watch Out for Spoilers)

Sex: 1 ½ Shot

i’m not gonna lie even though (especially because) it’d be so easy to lie to your booze sodden asses. Nope, here’s the truth, i like Julia Roberts. i think Julia Roberts (42) is a good actress and i suspect she’s pro’lly even a pretty cool person considering all the shit she’s pro’lly gotta walk through in heels every day in her life. One of the reasons i didn’t put my foot down and drag my heels about going to this premiere was because Julia was in the movie and in the movie theater. Don’t get me wrong, she’s no Keira Knightley or Mélanie Laurent, but hell she always makes each character she portrays seem human and isn’t that the job of an actor?

There were a few lightly tantalizing scenes in the film, like Julia braless in a nightgown, sitting in a bathtub (completely covered by extra-white soapy water), and sporting a cleavage wedding dress in her flashbacks. None of it was as hot as this, babes.

Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size

i’ma have some more Julia shots down below in my drawers. Just keep on scrollin’.

Playing Sofi, Liz’s Swedish friend in Italy, we got Tuva Novotny (30)  who has the coolest name ever. i wanna hang out with her just so i can say things like, “Yo, Tuva, can you get me another beer?” Or “Hey, Tuva, wow, that top looks really great on you and no, i don’t think you need to wear a bra with it—it’s not that see through.” Tuva Novotny. You know how i know she’s Swedish? Because she’s this hot.

Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size

Here’s a shot of Tuva in the Bar None because there isn’t enough of her on the Net to fill up my drawers:

Silken Butterflies

There were a couple very attractive Silken Butterflies (and if you don’t know what that means, just click on the link above).

The first one i noticed i’d referred to in my notes as “cute Italian girl @ table”. This turned out to be Elena Arvigo, who plays a girl named Maria and who really is Italian.

Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size

There’ll be some Elena in my drawers below, don’t you worry.

The other Silken Butterfly fitted onto my note sheet by name, “Armenia”. Color me lucky because the actress who portrayed Armenia turned out to be someone as hot as Cuban-American Arlene Tur.

Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size

i stuck a couple shots of her down there in my drawers.

For those of you more into Cocks Crowing than Chicks Flicking, here’s some James Franco (32) for you.

Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size

James Franco after the Bar None

You know how Miss Demeanor and me are intellectuals, right? So we were walking to the premiere in our fancy ass clothes and talking smart like usual. It goes something like this:

Miss Demeanor: You gotta like this movie because it’s got Javier Bardem in it. He’s one of the 5 guys you’d do right?

Al K Hall: [All comfortable with my sexuality and shit] Nah…too swarthy for my taste. The 5 guys are, lemme think…

Miss Demeanor: Johnny Depp.

Al K Hall: Sure, 1) Johnny Depp, 2) Robert Downey Jr and 3) Mickey Rourke, even like he looks today.

Miss Demeanor: Ugh, I’m not even sure I’d do him.

Al K Hall: And of course Brad Pitt ’cause i always want to hate him for being so good looking but he’s also so fucking talented.

Miss Demeanor: And #5?

Al K Hall: Michelle Rodriguez, of course.

So even if i won’t sleep with him, here’s Javier (41):

Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size

A Smoke

Drink: 1½ Shots

  • Wine at a party at the beginning
  • Beer in a bar at the after-party of some play
  • Wine at post divorce dinner
  • Lots of wine in Italy
  • A wine toast to sex in Rome
  • Richard (Richard Jenkins) in India is at the Assram [sick] because he’s a boozer who drove home drunk and almost hit his kid who was waiting for him in the driveway
  • Liz’s (Julia Roberts) guru in Indonesia tells her she has to learn to smile with her liver
  • Liz drinks white wine while reading at Felipe’s place in Bali
  • Liz drinks tequila shots at a beach party in Bali
  • The next day Felipe (Javier Bardem) brings her a hangover cure in a plastic bag with a straw that was made by a local medicine woman—and they don’t even tell us what’s in it

A Smoke

Slurred Speeches

At the beginning party one of the guests is talking to Liz’s (Julia Roberts) soon to be ex, Stephen (Billy Crudup).

So, you’re a baker now. Wanna get baked?

Liz’s boyfriend, David Piccolo (James Franco) is whining like a little girl about something someone said to him at some dinner and Julia comforts him by saying,

He had 5 Heinekens. He was bombed.

Yeah, i know, too bad Dave wasn’t friends with me. Five Heinies is what i drink just to take a pee in the morning.

My favorite reference was when Liz was having a meal with her Italian teacher and they took a break from their lessons when Liz said, “Let me teach you a word.” Then she held up the carafe of wine she was holding and said, “Therapist”.

Rock & Roll: ½ Shot

i had a really hard time with this. Jesus, there are two Eddie Vedder songs in this and i’m big into all that is Vedder. Unfortunately, both his tunes are symptomatic of what i don’t like about Eat Pray Love, namely there’s nothing even remotely resembling anything rock and roll. Yes, i know it’s a chick flick but i bet if Drew Barrymore was attached to this movie somehow she’d find a way to infuse this grandma’s teabag with a little rock. Don’t believe me? ‘Cause i know you don’t. You just think i’m drunk and saying whatever i want but you’re wrong. Proof is right here.

From the juiced-box and the soundtrack: Eddie Vedder – Better Days

And that’s the rock one. The other one, “The Long Road”, is even slower.

  1. Flight Attendant – Josh Rouse
  2. Last Tango In Paris (Suite Pt. 2) – Gato Barbieri
  3. Thank You (Fallettin Me Be Mice Elf Agin) – Sly & The Family Stone
  4. Der Hölle Rache Kocht In Meinem Herzen from “Die Zauberflote (The Magic Flute)”
  5. Heart of Gold – Neil Young
  6. Kaliyugavaradana – U. Srinivas
  7. The Long Road – Eddie Vedder, with Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
  8. Harvest Moon – Neil Young
  9. Samba Da Bençáo – Bebél Gilberto
  10. Wave – João Gilberto
  11. Got To Give It Up (Part 1) – Marvin Gaye
  12. ‘S Wonderful – João Gilberto
  13. Better Days – Eddie Vedder
  14. Attraversiamo – Dario Marianelli

Boring Technical Crap

Written by:

Elizabeth Gilbert – (book)

Ryan Murphy and Jennifer Salt – (screenplay)

Directed by: Ryan Murphy


Julia Roberts – Liz Gilbert

Tuva Novotny – Sofi

Elena Arvigo – Maria

Arlene Tur – Armenia

Richard Jenkins – Richard from Texas

James Franco – David Piccolo

Billy Crudup – Stephen

Javier Bardem – Felipe

Bottom Line

Read the book instead.

Al K Hall’s Drawers

Julia Roberts (42)

Julia Roberts after the Bar None

Julia Roberts in the Bar None

Elena Arvigo

Elena Arvigo in the Bar None

Arlene Tur

To thank you for making it all the way down this far, here are a couple more shots i sagged at the pre-screening.

Haven’t Had Your Fill of the Booze Revooze? Click here for another round.

The Booze Talkin’: My Exclusive Interview with DEVANNY PINN

[Al K Hallism: All photos link to Devanny’s website.]

From the juiced-box and one of Devanny’s favorite bands: Hollywood Undead – Undead

Some of y’all will have vague memories of my Booze Revooze of Piranha 3D, the rest of you are probably still hungover. Though i found the beginning of the movie a little fishy, i eventually got hooked, especially by Devanny Pinn who caught my eye in the key role of Wet T-Shirt Girl. Imagine my surprise when i dropped her a line and she went for the interview hook, line and sinker.

And what an interview it was. Charming, intelligent, funny and unbelievably cool, she lived up to all my expectations and more. Here then is an interview that not even i could choke up. Boozehounds and Barmaids, i give you the Queen of Scream, Devanny Pinn.

Continue reading

Re-Runs: The Booze Talkin’ with GABRIELLE CHAPIN

Sunset Hair photo © Gabrielle Chapin / GChapin Sutdios

Babes! You’ll never guessed who dropped in the Bar None today… Perhaps our “oldest” regular, Gabrielle Chapin.

My very first Booze Revooze was about Final Destination 4; i’ve linked it in case you want to go back and check out the “grade school photo” version of what has since grown up into such a hot category it risks taking over this whole blog.

i’ve told the story a gazillion times but i never tire of it. One of the actresses, Gabrielle Chapin, took issue with some of my remarks in the review and she commented on her displeasure at the bottom of the post. i responded by dedicating an entire entry to her, called “Famous People Know Me: An Open Letter to Gabrielle Chapin“. This exchange sprawled into my first interview.

Yeah, i know, with the deft skill i interview all these babes with, you were convinced i’ve been interviewing hot young ladies since i staggered out of the womb. Yeah, but no. Gabrielle broke my interview cherry. She was very gentle and guided me through it and when i thought i wasn’t gonna be able to keep it up, her encouragement and patience gave me the endurance i needed to finally come through.

Anyway, when i opened up the Bar None this afternoon, guess who was waiting for me? Gabrielle. My first. She’d left a comment on that interview letting me know she’s started her own website: GChapin Studios. Would you do an old alkie a favor and stop by her site and check out some of her gorgeous photography? It’d do my liver good…

In honor of her visit, i’m reposting the original interview, which first appeared on December 12 of last year.

Continue reading

Booze Revooze: A Drinker’s Skewed View of THE TOWN

[Click here for a guide to Booze Revooze and the rating system used]

From the juiced-box and the soundtrack: Slaine – I Ain’t Done

Press ‘Play’ for a song that wasn’t really in the movie. i’m kinda only half cheating through because Slaine performs other songs on the soundtrack that i can’t find anywhere. Plus he’s also in the movie, so chu’ up.

Ramblings: Affleck Paints THE TOWN Red

Final Proof: 4 Shots

You know how you drink with Good Hood and Bad Hood? They’re like Good Cop / Bad Cop except they’re criminals and one of them doesn’t drink a drop of booze and the other one’s shitfaced on whiskey he drank in his dirty bathroom even before he got to the bar. The Good Hood is asking you crap about yourself  ’cause he cares and he’s so nice you’d even set him up with your little sister because there’s honor in his system, while the Bad Guy is ‘accidentally’ burning you with the tip of his cigarettes to see if you’ll be dumb enough to start a fight with him so he can kick your ass and break your knee for the hell of it. The nice thing is, even if they’re opposties, they play off each other well because the evening would be too boring if you were just pounding Shirley Temple slammers with the Good Hood but the night would be less sincere if you were just chugging Jaëger and Red Bull until you passed out or killed someone. Balance through the extremes is a good thing and also what The Town was like.

The Town is this working class neighborhood of Boston where a lot of people work on robbing banks. Ben Affleck grew up in another neighborhood of Boston called Cambridge which is more “class” than “working” but that didn’t stop him from directing 2 movies about the wrong side of the tracks. Normally, i’d rag on him about slumming it to make a buck but there’s two things that are stopping me. The first one is that i think he’s sincere and the second is that he does a great freaking job.

Ben Affleck should be called Clint Penn because his directing style is like Sean Penn’s and Clint Eastwood’s, which is a good thing because those guys rock and so does Ben. These guys are able to avoid stereotypes and build real filmscapes with real people and real situations. Affleck doesn’t break new ground in The Town but the ground he covers he covers really really well.

So what’s keeping this from being a 5-shot review? Just a couple minor things. The movie is a little long and while i liked the romance because it was realistic and not romantic, there was TMI at times not because they were dishing out a lot of gross personal stuff, just too much stuff period with everyone talking about their troubled pasts all the time. The movie was 2 hours and 4 minutes and Ben-Gay coulda whittled this down a little by cutting some of the boy-girl chatter.

No one’s sadder than me to say that the other downer in The Town was Blake Lively. i mean, c’mon, Blake Lively is. Only problem is she’s also out of her league in this picture. You know how i know everyone is a good actor in this movie? They all speak with accents and you know me, i don’t know shit about movies but i know a good actor uses foreign accents like how all the actors in The Town spoke with an Irish accent. Blake Lively tried but just couldn’t get the hang of it so you know what Ben told her? Swear to god and you won’t believe but that’s too bad for you because it’s true and you can even ask Miss D. He gave her the same advice The A-Team director gave Quinton Jackson: “If you can’t act, mumble so people will assume you’re acting.” The upside is that Blake looks really hot as the slutty ex-girlfriend.

Blake Lively in the Bar None

So yeah, i recommend you visit The Town. It has a perfect balance of action, drama, realistic romance, cool dialog and then more great action. You get the Good Hood and the Bad Hood in the ‘hood of The Town.

Buzz Kills (Watch Out for Spoilers)

Sex: 2 Shots

Here’s some music from the juiced-box and the soundtrack to peruse by: Ray Lamontagne – Jolene

[Press ‘Play’ to learn what a “cigarette song” means]

As i mentioned up there, we got Blake lookin’ Lively as Krista Coughlin, the working class single mother bar slut ex girlfriend. The other cool thing is she uses words you’ll never hear her use on Gossip Girl if you’re into hot girls swearing and you know i am. What she lacks in acting talent here, she more than makes up for in hotness. Here’s what i mean.

Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size

Here’s how i know Blake Lively and Ben Affleck are famous: when they have sex they don’t take their clothes off.  They do show glimpses of how Lively Blake’s ass looks in jeans but not nearly long enough. There’s some nice shots of Blake down in my drawers, however, that you may gaze upon to your hardon’s contents.

The other lead female in The Town is Rebecca Hall, who i may remember as Vicky in Woody Allen’s Vicky Christina Barcelona. Here’s how i know she’s not as famous as Blake Lively but still a little famous anyway: when she does Ben, they’re naked but they don’t show anything. Actually, that’s how we’re supposed to know he really loves Claire Keesey (Rebecca Hall) and not Krista because he bothers to take of Claire’s clothes. That’s the definition of love right there, peeps. “Love” means you care enough to see her naked. Anyway, Doug MacRay (Ben’s character) doesn’t give a shit because he gets to bang both of them, love or not. What’s not to love?

There’s a couple more shots of her rolling around in my drawers at the end of this post.

Silken Butterflies

As for the miscellaneous sex in The Town, there’s not much other than the flash of a nipple in a strip club. i also noted in my notes that the lovely and talented Corena Chase did a stunning job as FBI Agent Quinlan, so stunning that i contacted her for an interview but i’m not as famous as we thought because she didn’t even bother to respond. Anyway, here’s a shot of yet one more woman who’s too good for me.

For those of you more into high-rises than cubby holes, i got some Ben Affleck for you. Tell you what, Ben is pretty damn buff. He takes off his shirt and does chinups in the hall and his 6-pack abs look a lot different than my 6-pack gut.

A Smoke

Drink: 2 ½ Shots

  • Bar scene: Bud in bottles
  • Ben is dry
  • Bad robber orders beer in the bar
  • Blake Lively sipping long necks
  • Beer at park / BBQ
  • FBI: bottle of Jameson, 2 fingers [in FBI office]
  • Blake Lively drinking Bud Light from the bottle at the bar
  • BL in a DUI

A Smoke

Rock & Roll: 4 Shots

[Press ‘Play’ for some Slaine drinking music. i swear to fucking god he says “Yo Al, I think they got a problem” at the beginning.]

One really rock and roll thing about The Town is Slaine. i feel Slaine. A lot. You could say i go around feeling Slaine if it didn’t sound gay because we all know that if i decide to go that way i’m going to Michelle Rodriguez. Slaine is this white rapper from Boston who sounds like a raw Eminem and apparently he hangs with Affleck because not only does he contribute songs to the soundtrack of The Town and Gone, Baby, Gone (Ben’s directorial debut), he also acts in both of them. Can he act? Better than Blake, babe.

It’s not exactly rock and roll but Affleck chose to end the movie with one of all my all time favorite cigarette songs. Defining a cigarette song would require a whole new post and more night than i got left but i’ll get around to it eventually; suffice to say it’s a song so sincere you want to smoke a cigarette as you listen. The song i posted at the intro to the Sex section above, Ray Lamontagne’s “Jolene”,  is as cigarette as a song gets and i appreciate Ben’s closing his film to the strains of “Jolene, I ain’t about to go straight / It’s too late / I found myself face down in a ditch / Booze in my hair and blood on my lips / A picture of you holding a picture of me in the pocket of my old blue jeans”.

Also very rock and roll in The Town is the action scenes. Affleck does a very nice job shooting the action and he includes more than i’d expected so i really got to tip my hat to him. Next round’s on me, Ben and i was so pleasantly surprised by the rock and roll attitude you hit at times that i promise not to make any JLo references or to bring up that fucking hilarious South Park episode about you.

Slurred Speeches

Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck) is talking to Claire Keesey (Rebecca Hall) about how his dad acted when his mother abandoned the household:

He sat in the kitchen and drank a case of beer while I went out and asked people if they’d seen my mother.

Doug attends an AA meeting and a recovering alcoholic tells this story (i’m paraphrasing here):

This is the story of a priest who comes up to this guy at the bar. ‘I’ll tell you right now,’ the guy says, ‘I got nothing against you, Father, but I don’t believe in God. See, a few years back I was hiking in Alaska and I went snowblind in a blizzard. I got lost and I knew I was going to die and so I promised to God that if he saved me, I’d believe in him for the rest of my life. Then an Eskimo came and rescued me.’

‘I don’t understand,’ the priest answered. ‘Why don’t you believe in God? You’re not dead, he saved you.’

‘No, Father. God didn’t save me, the Eskimo did.’

Everyone see that woman there? That’s Janice, my wife, sitting right there. Janice is my Eskimo.

Boring Technical Crap

Written by:

Chuck Hogan – novel Prince of Thieves

Peter Craig, Ben Affleck, Aaron Stockard – screenplay 


Directed by: Ben Affleck


Rebecca Hall – Claire Keesey

Blake Lively – Krista Coughlin

Corena Chase – Agent Quinlan

Ben Affleck – Doug MacRay

Jon Hamm – FBI S.A. Adam Frawley

Jeremy Renner – James Coughlin

Slaine – Albert ‘Gloansy’ Magloan

Pete Postlethwaite – Fergus ‘Fergie’ Colm

Bottom Line

Go to The Town.

Al K Hall’s Drawers

Blake Lively (23)

Blake Lively Slipping Out of the Bar None

Rebecca Hall (28)

Rebecca Hall in the Bar None

Haven’t Had Your Fill of the Booze Revooze? Click here for another round.

Miley Cyrus is Drunk

Remember back when you were 17 and you couldn’t get drunk at home because you starred in a kiddie show and everybody thought you were super religious and a good role model (even if you posted pictures of yourself in a bra on the internet)? And remember how you wanted to get your drink on? So remember how you hopped on a plane and flew to Europe where they didn’t give a rat’s ass how old you were as long as you were cute and drinking? Ah, those were the days.

Joining the ranks of Emma Watson and Emma Roberts, Miley Cyrus has flown the cuckoo’s coop of American puritanism to Europe, the land of the really and truly free.

But hell, she didn’t have to fly all the way to France. If she’d have come to the Bar None, i woulda hooked her up.

This is the part where i lie and tell you i got this directly from the source. Not from The Superficial. No way. i was at the club and partied with Miley and she bought me drinks and we sang “Up Where We Belong” at karaoke until i puked on her lap and she peed her pants. Yep, never even heard of The Superficial.

Booze Revooze: A Drinker’s Skewed View of Piranha 3D

[Click here for a guide to Booze Revooze and the rating system used]

From the juiced-box and the soundtrack: Shwayze – Get U Home

[Press ‘Play’ for the sample of the Spring Break hip-hop stuff you’re gonna hear throughout the whole movie.]


Ramblings: Piranha Flounders

Final Proof: 3 Shots

You know how drink with crazy ass foreigners? You think they’re gonna be all freaky and you’re gonna see shit you ain’t never seen before and things are gonna be so out of hand you don’t know how you’ll hold your drink but then they turn out to be as boring as the friends you already have. They tell the same lame jokes as people you’ve hung with forever, they wear the same stinky clothes and screw the same damn pooches as the people you were hoping to get away from. Then, just when you thought you were gonna bail and polish off a Pabst 12-pack at home while porn surfing doing anatomy research on the internet, all of a sudden things turn cool. Not so cool that you can completely forget about the first part of the night, but definitely more fun than you’ve had with your normal friends in a long while. So you finish the evening with a silly grin but you can’t stop wondering why the crazy ass foreigner couldn’t have been balls out from the get go. Piranha 3D was kinda like that foreigner.

Piranha 3D was directed by Alexandre Aja who is a crazy ass Frenchie whose initials make me nervous. The movie is a looser-than-Paris-Hilton’s-vadge based remake of 1978’s Piranha, and because AA’s 2006 The Hills Have Eyes rocked my world, i was hooked and pretty psyched about seeing this. You wanna know what the problem was? Aja’s film is supposed to be so over the top it gives you nose bleeds but the movie doesn’t get off the ground until the very end. Before that, it just kinda gets bogged down in mediocrity. Mediocrity and clichés, which makes sense if you think about it because “cliché” is a French word and Aja is French.

It’s so cliché that intellectuals are gonna say it’s a “sarcastic critique of the late 20th century horror genre” but drunk frat boys are gonna watch it and say “Hell Yeah! [burp] T&A!” Aja wants to have his meat and beat it, too, hoping he can hook both the intellectuals and the frat boys, but he chokes as badly as any piranha sitting on the fence. Until the end.

The last 30-40 minutes are pure gold because he really let’s go. The new and creative ways he kills people, the nonstop blood bath, the horror so horrible you laugh and moan at the same time is killer. He shoulda just done it from the beginning’s all.

A word about the 3D. Aja did a great job of playing with the effects in this movie, taking it to the extremes. We get, for example, 3D puking, 3D boobs and a 3D penis floating in our faces. Tongue in cheek, to be sure, and one way to deprive downloaders the pleasure of seeing this on their laptops.

You know what woulda been better than this movie as is? ‘Cause i do. Better would’ve been if he really went overboard and made it so the spring breakers were so obnoxious that the audience wants them to get torn to shreds. Make the piranhas the heroes. Shit, i may make a remake of this remake just so i can do it right.

Almost forgot, before we get any deeper into this, i gotta card Brooklynn Proulx who’s got a cool freakin’ name. She’s a charming young actress who does a wonderful job as Julie Forester’s (Elisabeth Shue) daughter, Laura. At 11 years old, she’s not allowed any further than here in the Bar None.

Buzz Kills (Watch Out for Spoilers)

Juiced-box music to troll for babes by: Amanda Blank – Make It Take It

Sex: 4 Shots

There are 3 porn actresses in this movie. Do i really need to say anything else? If so, here’s the blow by blow and believe me, there’s a lot of blowing going on here.

Like for example the movie takes place during spring break. Spring break is the roman orgy of modern times, even in Arizona. Here’s what that’s all about.

You know what else was big in the movie? Wild, Wild Girls. A takeoff on “Girls Gone Wild”, “Wild, Wild Girls” is run by Derrick Jones (Jerry O’Connell) and accounts for a throbbing majority of the sex in Piranha. So much so, they even created a Wild, Wild Girls website in real life. Like Jake Forester (Steven R. McQueen), you too can touch yourself while surfing and get interrupted by your mom three times. Boner points if your mom is Elisabeth Shue.

Two of the lead actresses in Piranha were Wild, Wild Girls. We got Danni (Kelly BrOOk—i’ll give you two inordinately large guesses why she has to spell her name BrOOk) and Crystal (porn actress Riley Steele).

Kelly BrOOk with her cool English accent and top model body even goes glimpses of topless in an underwater ballet scene filmed for Wild, Wild Girls by Derrick himself through the glass of a glass bottom boat. Danni and Crystal boob bump while mermaid swimming to the strains of “Flower Duet from Lakme” by Adriana Kohutova and Denisa Slepkovska. Those girls hold their breath long enough to be comical and make you want to invite them to the balls you hold in your underwear. There’s also a scene toward the beginning where the girls are on the Wild, Wild yacht and Riley Steele does a motorboat (when an individual places his or her oral organ between the breast appendages of a woman and moves the mouth organ back and forth making motorboat sounds) on Kelly BrOOk. It looked something like this…

Now’s as good a place as any for my boob rant. Honestly, i woulda gone up to a full 5 shots for the sex in Piranha but i had to remove a half-shot each for 2 big things. The first is the preponderance of large bosoms. i’m a fan of bosoms, who isn’t, am i right? Hell, i’d go even so far as to say huge bosoms don’t irritate me too much. Sure, i prefer sand dollars to beach balls, that’s how i roll, but huge bosoms don’t bug me (very big of me to say, i know). Still, when the whole movie is nothing but wall to wall D Cups running over…i start to tune out.

The other bosom issue i got goin’ on here are the cheap, imitation boobs. It’s bad enough that they gotta throw the huge boobs at you throughout the whole flick, but to import chicks with inflatable breasts with the same shape as those little poppable airsacks in bubble wrap? Come on!

Case in point: Riley Steele (that’s her in the photo of her holding her lovely original breasts). She had the cutest real breasts and then got the overinflated version that she sports in this flick. Serious movie boob critics will tell you it’s a tongue in cheek look at D Cup horror films but i’m not buying into that crap anymore. He did it for frat boys in Duluth to scrape up some of that Duluth frat boy cash that they don’t spend on kegs of Labatt’s or hockey shit.

As long as i already let Riley out of the air bags, i may as well get the introductions over. Here then is the collage of Riley Steele (23).


Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size


There’s more shots of her in my drawers, pressed closely up against shots of Kelly BrOOk (30) who at least was nice enough to bring her natural OOs. Here’s a preview.


Click On The Shot For Wallpaper Size


So scroll all the way down for a peek at her in my drawers.

Still aboard the Wild, Wild Girl boat, there’s bikini teen Kelly (Jessica Szohr—25) who learns how to do tequila body shots off Crystal. Y’all may know Jessica Szohr from Gossip Girl. Not sure? Here’s a collage.

i got some photos of her in my drawers, too. Trust me, you gotta see the bonus shot.

Still, all of those young ladies were nothing but build up for Elisabeth Shue.



Did you know i was getting older? ‘Cause i sure didn’t. For example i’ve been in love with Elisabeth Shue since forever and when they showed this 16-year-old kid calling her “Mom” i called “WTF”, she’s way too young for the role of a mom. But then i came home and checked—guess what. She’s exactly 2 months older than me. And i’m old enough to have a 16-year-old. During which binge did that happen (the getting old, not the kid, i remember most of the binge my kid came from)? It just goes to show you, Elisabeth Shue and i look great for our age. OK, she looks great for her age and i look like me. Hell, if the Shue fits…

Yep, drawer shots also available at the bottom of this post.

The only drag about Elisabeth Shue is that i kept praying she’d take off her uniform shirt (she plays local sheriff, Julie Forester). She finally did toward the end but underneath she had this Canadian winter thick jersey on over some industrial strength sports bra. The shots i’m servin’ up are way hotter, swear to god.

Silken Butterflies

There were tons of Silken Butterflies in Piranha 3D and i’m gonna start with the most important one first. Devanny Pinn, the lovely 22-year-old in the picture of the Silken Butterfly i just posted, plays the pivotal role of “Wet T-Shirt Girl”. As if that wasn’t enough to make her the most important, she’s also whack enough to do an interview with me. That’s right, click here to read my Booze Talkin’ chat with this charming actress.

There were a couple Wet T-shirt contests and in one of them we get flashed in 3D and that’s always good for a laugh, but what really cracked me up was when the emcee called out, “That’s it, show me those Danny Devitos”. If i gave away awards for boob slang, that’d be a winner.

Other than that, remember how i said there were 3 porn actresses in the film? It’s about time i did some porn star unveiling, if you ask me. First a collage of the trio, AKA my fantasy weekend 3-pack.

i already mentioned Riley Steele (upper right), but you have yet to meet Ashlynn Brooke (Cheerleader and 25 years old), the babe who’s on the left. i got some drawer pics of her down in the drawers as well. On the bottom, right, is Gianna Michaels (27—Parasailing Girl). If you ever see Piranha, keep your eye out for her scene because when you see Gianna is when the movie starts getting good. The film takes off with Gianna parasailing and the water pulling away her her bikini top for some classic nip slip action. Then, her gargantuan boobs shake like Santa’s belly if he had two bellies. In 3D. You see that and then you tell yourself, “OK, now the gloves come off and this movie is gonna start kicking it.” And you’re right, you knowledgeable som’bitch. Stay tuned for the shots of her in my drawers as well.

Finally, there was an all too brief appearance of Dina Meyer (41) as Paula, the seismologist. Shit, she can size my logist whenever she wants.

Of course i stuffed my drawers with some more of her.

For those of you more into rods than fish nets, i got Jerry O’Connell (36).

Steven R McQueen (22)

Adam Scott (37)

A Smoke

Drink: 3 Shots

First i’d like to begin with the educational part of our show. Here’s how to do tequila body shots as shown correctly in the movie. Step 1: your partner has to lie down flat on their back. Step 2: you put some salt in a cool place on their body, like between their boobs (especially if it’s a girl). Step 3: they put a lime wedge in their mouth, peel side between their teeth. Step 4: lick the salt off their flesh. Step 4: pour tequila over their bare midriff and Step 5: quickly lick the alcohol off their skin and suck it out of their navel. Step 6: try to touch your lips to theirs when you bite the lime out of their mouth.

Here’s the rest of the drink references:

  • [Richard Dreyfuss has a] beer on the boat at the beginning
  • [The camera, in 3D] follows the beer bottle down [to the bottom of lake after Dreyfuss catches something]
  • Girls with beer in boats
  • Beer on WWG boat while filming
  • Champagne on boat; this is how he gets Kelly on boat, by offering champage
  • Tequila body shots
  • Derrick drunk and spitting tequila and throwing ¼ bottle [away into lake when he’s pissed off]

A Smoke

Rock & Roll: 4 Shots

There wasn’t a whole of rock and roll music here (like, not any) but there was butt loads of rock and roll attitude. Enough for me to go 4 shots on this shit.

As far as music goes, other than the R ‘n’ B hip hop rap crap, Richard Dreyfuss starts the movie off fishing in a dinghy singing “Show Me The Way To Go Home”. While it’s not rock, the reference to Jaws was cute and brought a smile to my craggly ass face.

Let me give you a couple examples of the RnR attitude. Swear to god, if i were to give you all the things, i’d be here for a day past forever and i’ve already been at this post a day too long.

Example 1: A cable snaps on the floating stage, whips across this girl, cutting her bikini strap so her boob is exposed and then when she looks down at her wound, the top half of her body slides off the bottom half while she watches.

Example 2: After Derrick gets gnawed upon, his penis floats underwater in super 3D before a piranha comes and gives “swallowing” a whole new meeting.

Anyway, here’s the song list from the soundtrack:

“Get U Home” by Shwayze
“Shake Shake” by Envy feat. Leviticus
“Here She Comes” by Flatheads
“Make It Take It” by Amanda Blank
“Bring the Noise (Remix Pump-kin Edit)” by Public Enemy vs. Benny Benassi
“She Moves” by Dub Pistols
“Flower Duet from Lakme” by Adriana Kohutova and Denisa Slepkovska
“Nadas Por Free” by Ozomatli
“Come and Get It” Eli Paperboy Reed
“Now You See It (Benny Benassi & Dj Shimik Extendet Mix)” by Honorebel Feat. Pitbull & Jump Smokers
“M.A.D.” Hadouken!
“I’m in the House” by Steve Aoki

And a final sample from the juiced-box: Hadouken! – M.A.D.

Boring Technical Crap

Written by: Pete Goldfinger & Josh Stolberg

Directed by: Alexandre Aja


Elisabeth Shue – Julie Forester

Devanny Pinn – Wet T-Shirt Girl

Jessica Szohr – Kelly

Kelly Brook – Danni

Riley Steele – Crystal

Dina Meyer – Paula

Brooklynn Proulx – Laura Forester

Ashlynn Brooke – Cheerleader

Gianna Michaels – Parasailing Girl

Richard Dreyfuss – Matt Boyd

Ving Rhames – Deputy Fallon

Jerry O’Connell – Derrick Jones

Steven R. McQueen – Jake Forester

Adam Scott – Novak

Bottom Line

Go ahead and let yourself get lured into this, especially considering that downloading it will suck because there are tons of 3D effects that will look retarded if you watch it on a normal screen. If you’re too late, try downloading Drag Me To Hell instead; it’s the same style and at least is cool all the way through and not just the end.

Al K Hall’s Drawers

Elisabeth Shue (46)


Elisabeth Shue In the Bar None (by Missing Pieces)


Jessica Szohr (25)


Jessica Szohr in the Bar None



Jessica Szohr still in the Bar None



Bonus! Jessica Szohr with Taylor Momsen


Kelly BrOOk (30)


Kelly BrOOk in the Bar None


Riley Steele (23)

Dina Meyer (41)

Ashlynn Brooke (25)

Haven’t Had Your Fill of the Booze Revooze? Click here for another round.