A Drunk Post For Two People (Yes, This Means NOT YOU)

For the 1500 people who will read this blog: i’m drunk and this drunk post is dedicated to two people. InTheSameBoat and DayAfterTheHangover..

There is no partial nudity in this post.  No pictures of semi-naked stars. If you’re here for that, please look somewhere else.

It’s Friday night and i drank a bottle of red at lunch, 5 Heinekens after work and a bottle of red when i got home. i’m drunk and, out of the 1500 page reads i receive a day, i want to address two of the people who matter (not including Miss Demeanor and Ken, who are examples of the reason i write to begin with).

1: InTheSameBoat

i love ITSB because he’s on the wagon and he still hangs out here. He’s kinda my hero because he’s stopped drinking and, not only is he happy, but he can still hang out with drinkers. AND BE COOL. He doesn’t judge and he doesn’t hide who he is either. What makes him a God is that he can give his advice without preaching.

2: DayAfterTheHangover

Is the opposite. She’s still drinking and she feels the same guilt i do after a binge. Sh’s too timid to post responses here but she leaves me private messages about her thoughts and feelings. She’s real and so clear and this blog needs people as sincere as her.

3: Why i’m Writing This

Drunk as i am, i’m writing this blog to salute these two  readers because they’re why i write this blog. Everyone is welcome in The Bar None, but the good seats are saved for people who feel what i have to say. Yes, it’s partially my fault. The majority of my page reads come from single-handed surfers looking for chicks, kicks and nip slips. i posted those pictures and i included those tabs. i had a choice and i chose to go that way. It’s not your fault.

But despite my nature, there are people who push me to be better than i am. i want this blog to be a place where drinkers and non-drinkers alike come together to share their thoughts.

i’ve found two of them. Please God help me find the rest.