Mug Shot of the Week: Stephanie Pratt

I'm a Pratt!

I'm a Pratt!

Who Is She?

Your guess is as good as mine. Oh goody, Wiki to the rescue. So, in a nutsack, there was this one MTV reality show called Laguna Beach (‘member Jason Wahler?) and some chick named Lauren Conrad spun off that series ’cause y’all are all about the spoiled lives of privileged teens living in Los Alcoholics. So, while wasted youth is hanging on the balance of Lauren Conrad’s destiny, Stephanie Pratt is hanging onto Lauren Conrad. In an even nuttier sack, Stephanie is a 23-year-old, ex bulimic, wannabe tailcoat rider.

What Happened?

In the wee hours of Sunday, October 18, Stephanie left a party for some babe named Holly Montag–and no, i’m not gonna google her. There’s only so much two dimensional surfing i can do in one night without my brain imploding. Anyway, Pratt hopped in her car and dutifully cruised past a cruiser that had been lying in wait after watching her slosh when she walked to her vehicle. She was busted for DUI and booked in Van Nuys, only to be released on $5,000 bail later. The trippy part is, according to TMZ, while the cops were cuffing her, some bystanders started snapping photos which pissed off other people standing by and a mini-riot ensued.

Why She Deserves A Mug Shot

i’ll tell you why and you’re not gonna need to take notes to get it all–> ‘Cause she’s cute. Well, cuter than most of the DUIs i have to pin up with in here. (Did you see her Mug Shot at the top? Either she’s got a meth breakout or the cops ate her caked on makeup glaze for dessert after the donuts ran out.)





"Hey, Lauren Conrad, Check Out My Boobies."

"Hey, Lauren Conrad, Check Out My Boobies."